Tame Halloween Fright with Bark Busters' Safety Tips for Dogs
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Tame Halloween Fright with Bark Busters' Safety Tips for Dogs

Keep dogs safe during Halloween—the most dangerous holiday for dogs—with tips from Bark Busters. Based on the expertise of Bark Busters' network of dog behavioral therapists, who have successfully trained nearly 400,000 dogs worldwide, these guidelines for dog owners help ensure the safety of pets during fright night.

"Throughout our network of 235 offices nationwide, we hear about more dogs dying or straying during Halloween than any other holiday," said Liam Crowe, president and master dog behavioral therapist, Bark Busters USA. "Halloween is intended to scare and startle us—making it a haunting holiday for dogs, too. By being more sensitive to dogs' fear-driven 'fight or flight' instincts, we can help keep our furry friends safe this Halloween."

Halloween brings unwelcome thrills and chills for dogs—from oddly dressed strangers ringing doorbells to unusual commotion in the neighborhood—all packed into one night. Dog owners can do little to control external surroundings on All Hallows' Eve, but can care for their dog's safety by observing the following tips from Bark Busters:

• Don't leave your dog outside. Bring your dog inside where it's safe—even if you have a fenced yard.
• Keep your dog restrained. It's best to put him in a separate room, away from the front door, to limit his excitability, aggression and chance of running outside and becoming lost.
• Reassure your dog. Your dog looks to you for leadership. If you keep your dog inside away from family, visit often to reduce his stress.
• Check your dog's ID tag. Make certain identification tags are secure on your dog's collar—just in case.
• Keep candy away from your dog. Many candies—especially chocolate—are toxic to dogs. Make certain that sweets, including their wrappers, are kept well away from your dog.
• Protect dogs from candles and pumpkins. Excited or agitated dogs can easily knock over a lit candle or pumpkin. Be sure they're located in a safe place, away from your dog's reach.
• Think twice about dressing your dog in a costume. While some dogs might enjoy being dressed up, many don't. Experiment first to see if your dog likes being in a costume. If so, fine—he'll most likely enjoy himself. However, if he shows any resistance, don't do it. Dogs feel enough stress around Halloween without having to endure the discomfort and peculiarity of wearing a strange costume as well.
• Have fun, but think of your dog's safety. Finally, if you want your dog to be involved in Halloween festivities, think about his safety much as you would the safety of a small child. Your dog does not understand Halloween, so he needs you to provide protection.

About Bark Busters
Bark Busters, the world's largest, most trusted dog training company, started in Australia in 1989 and came to the United States in 2000. Since inception, nearly 400,000 dogs have been trained worldwide using its dog-friendly, natural methods. With 235+ franchised offices in 41 states and more than 345 offices in 10 countries, Bark Busters is continuing its mission to build a global network of dog behavioral therapists to enhance responsible dog ownership and reduce the possibility of maltreatment, abandonment and euthanasia of companion dogs. Bark Busters is the only international dog training company that offers a written lifetime guarantee. Therapists will provide future sessions free of charge if problem behaviors recur, or if any new problems develop. For more information, call 1-877-500-BARK (2275) or visit www.BarkBusters.com, where dog owners can complete a Dog Behavioral Quiz to rate their dogs' behavior.



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