FRANCHISE Update Magazine Issue I, 2016: Fabulous Female Franchise Founders
FRANCHISE Update Magazine: Fabulous Female Franchise Founders

Q1 | 2016

Fabulous Female Franchise Founders

If "Undercover Boss" doesn't call you (or perhaps you just don't like cameras or value your privacy), you still can go undercover. Julie Burleson, founder of Young Chefs Academy (YCA), did that for two <i>months</i> and calls it one of the best things she's ever done.
Eddy Goldberg
Turning your passion into a successful business is every entrepreneur's dream. Turning it into a business that helps other entrepreneurs realize their dreams is even better.
Eddy Goldberg
Nearly seven years after the recession ended, the U.S. economy has become a slow-growth machine. In these years of sluggish growth, the franchise business model has found ways to expand.
Darrell Johnson
For 30 years, Cicis has been delivering unlimited pizza, pasta, salad, and dessert to every guest who enters its restaurants.
Darin Harris
When the team at Franchise Update first floated the idea of highlighting female franchise founders, we didn't realize how many there are! Our list filled quickly before the day ended, and we continued to add more in the weeks that followed.
Franchise Update
As senior vice president of marketing for School of Rock, Elliot Baldini is a perfect fit. A self-professed lifelong musician with a passion for performance, he also sports wicked marketing chops.
Kerry Pipes
Scooter's Coffee
Mary Rogers likes to start things and she likes to see children learn. In 1984, she started Computer Explorers, a brand created to teach kids how to work with the newly arriving wave of personal computers.
Kerry Pipes
In the life of a franchise sales professional, never a day should go by when we do not learn (or relearn) a selling skill. We are the tip of the spear when it comes to representing our brand to future franchise owners.
Jim Bender
If you had LeBron James on your team, you'd feel pretty good about your chances of winning--big. And that's exactly what Blaze "Fast-Fire'd" Pizza intends to do.
By Eddy Goldberg
Millennials. You are likely tired of reading about them but you can't stop, because with 60 million Americans in this generation, they're too big to ignore.
Adam Pierno
Let's start with what's an Acai berry. Looking like a cross between a grape and a blueberry, the a&ccedil;a&iacute; (ah-sigh-EE) berry is a small, reddish-purple fruit harvested from palm trees that grow around the Amazon River Basin.
Eddy Goldberg
How is social media changing and evolving, and how is your brand adapting and getting results?
Franchise Update
Heidi Ganahl says she has always been an entrepreneur and dog lover. "My husband and I were characterized by two things: we thought up crazy, wild ideas and we loved taking care of our two dogs," she says of their life in the early 1990s.
Kerry Pipes
The process of hiring, training, and retaining qualified individuals for sales and development is a necessary company practice that should not be taken lightly.
Franchise Update
Renée Israel loves the smell and taste of fresh, kettle-cooked popcorn. When she and her husband Rob spotted mom-and-pop kettle corn makers at a farmers market in Boulder, Colo., in the early 2000s, it got them thinking. How could they bring fresh-popped flavored popcorn to a wider audience?
Kerry Pipes
Sharon DiMinico had a "Eureka" moment following the birth of her second child in 1987. She recognized something was missing for the parents and children in her local community.
Kerry Pipes
Shelly Sun, co-founder of BrightStar Care, never planned to start a company. But in 2001, she and her husband, J.D. Sun, were struggling to find quality in-home care for his grandmother and discovered they weren't alone.
Kerry Pipes
Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks

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