10 Tips for Service-Based Business Operators

Operating a service-based franchise business can be demanding, but it’s rewarding to know you can satisfy the needs of your customers. The team at breezeworks.com offered 10 tips designed to help new and established businesses provide their customers with enhanced service. 

  1. Be unique and specialize. For your business to succeed and stand out, don’t be afraid to be unique. How can you be different than the competition? Are you more affordable? Are you faster? Are you environmentally friendly? Is your quality better? You should be doing at least one of these things better than your competitors.
  2. Get to know your customers. The key to having many repeat customers is building relationships. It’s not only important to know your customers, but also to understand their wants and needs and know what will influence them to use your service.
  3. Treat your customers well. Work on every project as if you were providing these services for yourself or a close family member. 
  4. Take advantage of marketing. Other businesses offer the same services you offer. Standing out from the crowd is easier said than done, but a marketing plan combined with marketing resources from your brand can help your business break through the competition.
  5. Measure your costs. When operating a service business, make sure you monitor all the costs necessary to operate a successful business.
  6. Insurance is necessary. It is crucial that you protect your business from any disasters that could potentially take place. Liability insurance is important just in case one of your employees or clients gets hurt on the premises. 
  7. Know your boundaries. Many times, service businesses make the mistake of taking on tasks and jobs that they shouldn’t. If it is a job that you can’t do well, don’t do it. You may have money coming from this job, but if it is done poorly, you may lose out on future clients from a bad review.
  8. Think about the future. When you’re making business decisions, make sure you are thinking about the future of your business. Are there strategic customers that you can work with? How can your customer help with your reputation? Can this client help with exposure?  
  9. Know your worth. There are companies out there that use a low price point for their services as the ultimate selling factor. Instead of selling yourself short, outsell the competition with value and expertise instead of lowering your price. 
  10.  Get help. Your service business may be a small team, or it may even be just you doing all the work. Many applications can help you with day-to-day tasks. Scheduling software can help keep track of your team members’ schedules and update them as it changes. 

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