2017 Dominators

Multi-unit, multi-brand operators continue expanding each year--a trend that continues to accelerate as these "Dominators" grow their portfolios through acquisitions, building new units, refranchising, and scooping up successful units from retiring franchisees. Banking on their good credit, solid infrastructure, and track record, today's Dominators are creating historically large franchisee organizations, as the rankings from FRANdata demonstrate. And they keep on getting bigger every year.

Today's Dominators are sophisticated, savvy, and experienced at managing organizations with hundreds of units, often spread across several states. They also understand that success is all about unit economics: one customer and one sale at a time.

They create jobs by the hundreds and thousands, hiring young employees and providing a career path for them to grow, and they do business with local suppliers--lots of them. And they give back to their communities on a large scale, encouraging their employees to support local organizations and charities. No franchisee gets to the top without years of hard work, sacrifice, perseverance, and an unwavering desire to be the best. Congratulations to this year's Dominators!

Entire U.S.
(50 states, Washington, D.C., Guam,
Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands)

Largest Franchisees by State

Largest Franchisees By Region

Source: FRANdata

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