26 Social Media Marketing Predictions for 2022

Social media marketing (SMM) in a world shifting more to WFH (for those who can) has grown in importance since 3/20. As 2022 approaches, franchise consumer marketers looking to fine-tune their SMM strategies and tactics must plan on two levels: 1) Covid continues to diminish as a market force, and 2) it does not – as if digital consumer marketing were not complex enough B.C. (Before Covid).

Here are some highlights from a recent article by Andrew Hutchinson, Content and Social Media Manager at Social Media Today: “26 Predictions for Social Media Marketing in 2022.” Find the complete article here. From his introduction:

“With the pandemic-induced lockdowns changing online behaviors, and sparking all new trends… like audio social, the accelerating growth of ecommerce, and the evolving metaverse for digital connection… there’s also the work from home shift, and the migration to hybrid work models, which will also have impacts for broader digital connection. All of these elements will play a part in what’s coming next in the social media space, and from the major platforms specifically.”

For social media marketers, he notes, “There’s certainly a lot happening,” and provides a platform-by-platform overview of key trends he expects to see in the coming year – with detailed explanations and plenty of graphics for examples. Here’s a high-level list of the platforms, topics, and trends he covers:


“It’s a time of significant change, in many respects, with many people looking to evolve from the pre-Covid days, and build new opportunities in the rebuilding market – which could open up major new potential for those paying attention; these new features will look to align with those trends and facilitate growth,” says Hutchinson.

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