Background Checks: Follow the Law When Checking Out Employee Candidates

You need to hire smart and you'd like to hire efficiently, but not so fast. When making a hiring decision, you might need a bit more information than an applicant provides. After all, some folks give false or incomplete information in employment applications. And workers probably don't want you to know certain facts about their past that might disqualify them from getting a job. Generally, it's good policy to do a little checking before you make a job offer.

However, you do not have an unfettered right to dig into applicants' personal affairs. Workers have a right to privacy in certain personal matters, a right they can enforce by suing you if you pry too deeply. And, you may be legally required to follow certain procedures - such as getting the applicant's consent in writing - before you can get certain records. Follow these tips to stay out of trouble:

Many other rules may apply to checking a candidate's background so consult a knowledgeable franchise attorney to make sure your hiring practices are in agreement with the law.

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