Distinctions and Common Philosophies of Successful Recruitment Managers

Recently I was asked, “What traits, distinctions, and/or principles do the very best managers and leaders of franchise recruitment exhibit or practice?” Put another way, “What’s the difference between average and great leadership?” After some reflection, I reached out to friends and cohorts in the franchise industry and talked internally with our Recruitment Operating System (ROS) team and community seeking insight.

There was a common spirit in the feedback that great franchise recruitment managers and leaders eat, live, and breathe certain common philosophies and distinctions. To find out where you are, take a quick self-assessment. Ask yourself, “What on the list below do I resemble? What are my gaps? Am I average, above average, or a master?” Recruitment managers and leaders who consistently deliver winning results do the following on a consistent basis.

But wait, there’s more!

It was incredibly tough selecting the list above from the feedback. There are many more that could have been added. After more than 30 years of working in, managing, leading, and now training and coaching franchise recruitment teams, I can confidently say that how an individual manages and leads franchise recruitment is the difference with results.

Art Coley is CEO of CGI Franchise. CGIF was founded in 2015 with a mission to help franchise companies implement and execute repeatable and sustainable recruitment systems using the Recruitment Operating System. His team, based in Temple, Texas, works with brands worldwide. Contact him at 281-658-9409 or acoley@cgifranchise.com.

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