From Stylists to Owners: How 3 Sport Clips Stylists Became Franchisees

Sport Clips Haircuts has worked to establish itself as a reliable choice for men’s haircuts nationwide. For some franchisees, owning a store and managing a team of stylists is second nature because they got their start as stylists or barbers themselves.

Advice for newbies

Here are the biggest pieces of advice these three stylists/barbers turned franchisees have for others looking to follow in their footsteps and make their own career leap.

  1. Work hard. “I tell them the grass is greener here because we make it green,” says Haile, speaking to the importance of putting in effort to get yourself where you want to go. “It doesn’t happen overnight, but with hard work you can get there.”
  2. Ask questions. “The way I made the leap from stylist to owner was to ask a lot of questions,” says Zotian. “When you want to own your business, you can never ask too many questions. Make sure you take the time and understand the business before taking on a big change in your life.”
  3. Be confident. “I was a stylist for two years and a manager for eight before making the jump,” says Mazzone. “I did not inherit my stores. I had to earn them, and that was scary. But don’t let anyone doubt your abilities. Be positive and determined.”

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