How Floor Coverings International Uses Brokers

We asked Tom Wood, CEO of Floor Coverings International, about how his company works with franchise brokers. We’ll have more coverage on the role of brokers and third-party consultants in frandev in future issues.

What are a franchisor’s greatest benefits from using brokers?

What challenges should franchisors be aware of when working with brokers?

Brokers should disclose all fees they collect. Do they? Yes and no. We only know what we pay to be in the network and the broker referral fee. We do not know the structure of how they pay their brokers.

What ranges do you pay for the following items?

When you are signing with a broker system do you let them know your expectation in number of leads for the following 12 months? No. We have to work hard to prove ourselves and fight for every lead.

Do leads from brokers take longer to close than leads from other sources or is it the same or shorter? Faster. We like to say they are already on the 50-yard line when they come to us. The time frame is cut nearly in half.

Who decides the success fee you will pay a broker? Is it a common practice that franchisors who pay higher fees will get preferential treatment on leads delivered? The executive team decided on the fee to our brokers. Yes, you will get preferential treatment on leads with the higher fees, but you have to follow up with the systems to continue to get the referrals.

Are royalties or equity in the business suggested or required by broker companies you work with? Royalties yes. Equity in the business, no.

Do you have any comments on why a franchisor would or should not engage in this royalty or equity share practice. Royalties are needed for support services. I would never agree to a royalty share with a broker network. However, I will work to find the placement fee required to accomplish the same thing.

How far does the broker bring the lead when the lead is delivered to you? 1) Vetting: They make sure they would be considered a fit for our brand. 2) Financial capability: They ask about financials but do not require the candidate to prove them. 3) Location they are interested in: They send territory checks to see if we have open territory.

From the time you receive the lead, what is your ongoing process to close the deal? Our franchise process is as follows:

Introductory conversation

Executive model deep dive


Marketing and technology

Validation and assessment (Caliper test)

Operations team interview and application

Discovery day

Signing and celebration

Do you see any difference in the opening rates and success rates of franchisees who originated with brokers versus those who came from other lead sources? No, the results are exactly the same for franchisee opening rates and franchisee success rates (still open 1 year after opening and 5 years after opening).

Do you have personnel dedicated to working with broker leads? If yes, why? Yes, we have a director of broker success who works with the networks to generate leads. All of our franchise developers work with broker leads.

How many individual brokers (not broker systems) do you work with? More than 700.

How many franchisors are represented by an individual broker from a broker organization? It varies. But typically, a candidate is presented with three franchisors at a time to choose from,

How does the broker/franchisor relationship work? What liability or responsibility does the broker carry for franchisee success if any? The broker has no responsibility for franchisee success after signing. The franchisee is responsible for their success with the support of the franchisor.

Please list all the broker networks you have worked with or know about.


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