Menu Labeling Law Now in Place

On December 1, 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration published a final rule on nutrition labeling of standard menu items in restaurants and similar food establishments. The original compliance date for the menu labeling provisions was December 1, 2015. The FDA then extended the compliance date on three separate occasions. Now, almost three and a half years after the final rule was published, the FDA’s menu labeling rules will go into effect on May 7, 2018. What does that mean for the food retail industry?

Below are answers to five common questions related to the new menu labeling requirements.

1. Who is covered?

To be covered by the rule, the establishment must meet two primary requirements:

First, the establishment must be a “restaurant or similar retail food establishment.” Generally speaking, that broad definition includes any retail food establishment that offers for sale “restaurant type food.” The term “restaurant type food” includes food that is eaten on the premises, while walking away from the premises or soon after arriving at another location.

According to FDA, examples of restaurants and similar retail food establishments include bakeries, cafeterias, coffee shops, convenience stores, food service facilities located within entertainment venues (such as amusement parks, bowling alleys, and movie theaters), pizza take-out and/or delivery establishments, grocery stores, retail confectionery stores, superstores, quick service restaurants and table service restaurants.

Second, the establishment must also be part of a chain of 20 or more locations doing business under the same name and offering for sale substantially the same menu items. This definition includes most franchise systems.

2. How do I comply with the rule?

Generally speaking, in order to comply with the menu labeling rule, covered establishments must provide calorie count information for each “standard menu item” listed on a menu or menu board. Certain items, including temporary specials, are excluded from this definition.

The calorie count information must be clearly displayed alongside the name or the price of the associated standard menu item, in a type no smaller than the type size of the name or the price of the information.

There are additional required statements related to recommended daily calorie consumption for adults and children.

Covered establishments are also required to make available more detailed nutritional information. The nutrition information is similar to what one would find on a cereal box or other packaged food, and includes information about fat content, cholesterol, fiber, sugar, protein, and other items.

3. What happens if I do not comply?

Offering a standard menu item for sale without complying with the menu labeling requirements is a violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. FDA has a wide range of enforcement tools for “misbranded” food, including issuance of warning letters, injunctions, and even criminal prosecution.

However, in response to industry concerns, FDA has stated recently that it intends to pursue a “cooperative” enforcement approach. Thus, covered establishments that make reasonable efforts to comply with the rule are unlikely to face penalties for technical violations. Expect to see continued outreach and education from FDA, especially during the first year of compliance.

4. Will states and cities continue to impose their own menu labeling requirements?

Generally no. The FDA menu labeling rule preempts (i.e., displaces) conflicting state and local regulations. Indeed, that is one reason why organizations like the National Restaurant Association have supported the requirements. It makes compliance less costly and more predictable, especially for restaurant chains that operate in multiple jurisdictions.

It is important to note, however, that state and local governments may still regulate establishments that fall outside of the federal definition, including, for example, chains with fewer than 20 locations. Additionally, state and local agencies may also have the ability to enforce the FDA regulations (or their own identical regulations). For a more detailed discussion of this issue, click here.

5. Where can I get more information?

William Sentell is an attorney with Polsinelli in Denver, Colorado.

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