Running the Numbers

Senior High

Looking for a franchise opportunity in a "booming" industry? You might want to check out home health care for seniors. That baby boom blip that first appeared following World War II is now dipping into the golden years. As a result, the need for elderly care in America is on the rise and will remain in high demand for years to come. Consider the following data:

As this population group ages, one thing that's becoming clear is that many of them desire to stay put. According to a recent AARP survey, about 89 percent of those 55 and older would prefer to live out their lives in their homes. And that desire only increases with age. The survey found that 92 percent of people 65-74 want to stay where they are. For those 75 and older, about 95 percent want to remain in their homes as long as possible.

The home healthcare franchising sector is taking note of this data. Many veteran companies, and some new ones, are looking for franchisees to develop territories and provide care for this growing elderly market.

Here's more data:


Home healthcare franchising opportunities range from active hands-on care givers to those who manage, oversee, and schedule the care provided for the elderly. It's a diverse and growing industry and will be in demand for several decades to come.

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