Transform Those 'We Need To Talk' Moments into Positive Conversations

Interdependent relationships, where you can't just walk away when the going gets tough, can be both satisfying and frustrating. Think marriage, business partnerships, long-term supply agreements, and of course, the franchise relationship. Regular constructive conversations are essential to keep things on track.

Over the past week, I and my team have conducted several workshops for franchisor teams, helping them to understand the pressures franchisees face, and how to manage conversations when people are unhappy or stressed. Here are some tips we can all use when we "need to talk" to someone we work or live with.

Talk, don't write

Avoid addressing emotional issues by email, text, or social media. Much of the meaning behind what we communicate comes through our tone of voice. People can be easily, and inadvertently, offended when they read something with an emotional load. But in a discussion, differences can be acknowledged and addressed. We can explain ourselves, adjust our position, or apologize.

Do a check-in

Be composed and clear on your intentions before the meeting.

Gather relevant facts and feelings

Conflicts often arise because people have access to different data, or their beliefs have been shaped by inaccurate information.

Focus on the future

You should now have a shared understanding of the situation. So far so good. Before moving into solution mode, a warning. Don't feel like you have to solve the problem yourself. It is likely the other person already has a realistic and simple suggestion.

Finish on a positive

Thank the other person for their patience and co-operation. This will close the conversation on a positive note and help to keep the relationship in good shape for the next time you talk.

I hope you found this useful.

By the way, I am making a few trips to London, Malaysia, and the USA over the coming months. If you're interested in having me talk with your team, drop me an email.

Editor's note: This is from the author's "Healthy Franchise Relationship Tips" newsletter series, #187.

 Greg Nathan is founder of the Franchise Relationships Institute, which offers a range of tools and services to help franchisors run healthy, vibrant, and profitable franchise networks. Contact him at

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