Unit Managers

How you can keep your unit managers motivated and productive

Many new franchisees discover that they love being a franchise operator but often quickly learn that they can't always be in the store overseeing operations at all times. This is especially true as single unit operators expand. Since hourly employees typically need oversight, guidance, and sometimes redirection, many franchisee operators often turn to unit managers to help them keep the unit operating at maximum efficiencies. It's this "point man" who often wields the knowledge and power that can significantly affect a franchisee's bottom line. Naturally, you want talented and motivated managers.

But you should know that the unit-level manager's job can be tough. They often have to oversee the store's operation, keep an eye on the store's financial state, and of course, keep the hourly employees on task and inline. As a franchisee, you want to make sure that your manager doesn't get overworked, burned out, and ultimately bolt for the door. But how do you do it?

There are a few things you can do that can help you manage - and motivate - the manager.

Follow these tips with your unit level managers and you just might become a master motivator, as well as a successful franchise operator.

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