Philadelphia Group Finalizes Deal For Racing Limos Franchise

March 13, 2008 // // An investment group from Philadelphia has obtained the rights last week to Racing Limos; according to a press release issued today. Kent Development, Inc. is owned by Kymberlee O'Neill, Traci Marra, Edward Killian and Nick Piscitelli.

Each of the partners bring something to the table. O'Neill is a real estate attorney.

"We partnered mainly in real estate investing but were looking for a franchise purchase," she said.

Marra's expertise centers around computer technology. It doesn't hurt that she is also a fan of the sport.

"Having been a lifelong NASCAR fan, I have seen the sport explode in popularity," Marra said. "In the area we are in, I believe that the standard limo business is successful and that the Racing Limos theme will set us apart from the rest."

Piscitelli has a B.S. in Accounting and Economics. Sales/marketing are also part of his resume.

"I am a firm believer in heavy marketing and have a thorough understanding of what works and what doesn't in this area. I know how the residents think and what they like or don't like."

Killian has a balance of all the attributes including business administration, computer technology, finance, and sales/marketing. He's realistic in expectations as well.

"I know that with hard work and the necessary dedication from myself and my business partners, along with our past experiences, we can be very successful. Racing Limos is a unique opportunity that many individuals are searching for in a business venture. I feel very fortunate to have this opportunity that will only grow with time and effort."

Dave Ziccarelli, Franchise Development Manager for Racing Limos Franchise Corp. said it was an easy decision for the President to make. "Any one of them had the qualifications to become a Racing Limo Operator; but they have unbelievable strength as a group."

One reoccurring message came through on several of their Applications for Consideration, according to Bryan Pease, President of Racing Limos. " We at Racing Limos proudly base ourselves on strong ethics and moral values," said Pease. "And each of their applications carried that theme."

O'Neill shared that they partnered originally because of the lack of ethical and professional real estate/development companies practicing today. Marra said they are intent on running an honest and successful business; and that being trustworthy is paramount in any business.

About Racing Limos

Racing Limos provides unique and fun experiences in limousines that look like stock cars.

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