The Answer to Grow Any Business and Access Unlimited Abundance: OneCoach Founders Co-author a New Book to Help Entrepreneurs Succeed Faster

Business-growth experts and entrepreneurs John Assaraf and Murray Smith have co-authored "The Answer" to show entrepreneurs how to grow any business and access unlimited abundance.

May 06, 2008 // // San Diego – Through the 2006 best-selling book and movie The Secret, millions of people were introduced to the concept of the Law of Attraction, the idea that focused thoughts can attract the things people want, even turning their wildest dreams into reality. Since then, many people have wondered "How can I apply that idea to create success in work and business?"

John Assaraf, a teacher featured in The Secret, and his business partner Murray Smith, share their expertise in quantum science and the art of business growth in a new book entitled "The Answer: Grow any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom and Live an Extraordinary Life." Scheduled for nationwide release on May 20, 2008, "The Answer" combines their wisdom and insight to show entrepreneurs how to apply the Law of Attraction and practical, proven strategies, to build a dream business and access unlimited abundance.

"Having worked with thousands of businesses over the last few decades, we know that success is a science," said Smith and Assaraf. "We each happened to learn the fundamental laws that regulate the creation of business success through trial and error. Now, we see the fundamentals of business success very clearly, as a formula that can be applied to any business, anywhere, under any circumstances. That's why we wrote "The Answer," to show other entrepreneurs the specific, step-by-step actions to take in order to build their dream business."

Combined, Assaraf and Smith have built 18 businesses over the last three decades. As best friends for all these years, in 2005 they decided to come out of retirement to devote the balance of their lives to helping other business owners succeed. Together, they developed a business-growth system and launched OneCoach, a company that provides coaching, best practices and networking to help other businesses grow. So far, they have succeeded in helping more than 3,500 business owners in 33 countries increase their sales, revenues and profits. "The Answer" provides a framework for sharing their wisdom and experiences with millions of other people who want to accomplish their own dreams in life.

Using cutting-edge research in brain science and quantum physics, "The Answer" shows readers how to navigate away from the traditional business mindset and transcend into a new 21st century look at business success. The book allows the reader to redirect the power of the brain and understand how the universal laws of life can be used to succeed in business.

For example, chapter two explores how the world works on the smallest scale, also known as quantum mechanics. From this subatomic perspective, scientists conclude that everything is energy, including thoughts. "The Answer" explains how to apply the laws of quantum science to build a dream business.

One of the solutions Assaraf and Smith offer is the Neural Reconditioning Process™, described in chapter seven, which consists of these steps: