New Tax Tiger Tax Resolution Office Opens in Denver

DENVER - July 18, 2013 // PRNewswire // - Certain companies and individuals who can't pay their taxes can get expert help from the tax resolution experts at Tax Tiger Denver, which will celebrate its grand opening today.

The tax resolution services office is located at 1295 East Bridge Street, Suite 102, Brighton in the historic Columbine Center.

"We really like helping people," said Patricia Lanning, EA, co-franchisee with Martina Smith and Jessica Engstrom. They had worked for other tax resolution companies in the area for a combined 28 years before deciding to start their own business.

They chose to become franchisees of Tax Tiger, one of the most trusted names in the tax resolution industry, because they share similar values as a faith-based organization.

"We can be honest with people. We can quote them a fee and be direct about what we can do and what we can't do. It's so much better to be candid with people. There are no magic wands," said Lanning, who like her partners, learned the business from the ground up. Lanning and Smith are Enrolled Agents and hold the most extensive license granted by the IRS to represent taxpayers.

Tax Tiger works only with people who they know they can help settle tax issues. Not everyone is qualified to get a specific resolution with the IRS. Tax Tiger also offers other tax-related services.

"We like the way Tax Tiger does this business. Most tax resolution businesses are set up as marketing call centers that cold call people who have tax liens and try to sell them a service. Then they often upsell the service because the taxpayer violates the original agreement for services," said Lanning, who is pleased be a part of the first all-female owned Tax Tiger franchise. "We also liked the support we got from the central staff at Tax Tiger, especially the founder, Kathy Hill."

Tax Tiger offers a free financial consultation to review income, assets and monthly expenses to see what kind of options or repayment plan is possible for every taxpayer.

"If they have little to no assets – no equity in a home, no 401(k), no investments, or cars, they probably qualify for an 'offer in compromise' (OIC), in which the IRS agrees to settle a tax debt for less than what is owed.

"Over the past ten years, Tax Tiger has helped thousands of individuals and businesses nationwide achieve peace of mind by negotiating the best possible resolution of their IRS tax problems. When life's circumstances land you in a position where you need the best IRS tax representation firm, you can trustTax Tiger for affordable, effective and aggressive tax relief," said Kathy Hill, president and founder of Tax Tiger, a rapidly growing franchise with offices in Sacramento, San Diego, Minneapolis, Austin and Denver.

About Tax Tiger 

Tax Tiger provides a variety of tax resolution services to address almost any situation, from the preparation of back tax returns, reducing penalties and interest, ensuring IRS liabilities are accurate, and IRS examinations (audits) are done fairly and accurately, researching tax matters, stopping wage garnishments, ending bank levies, removing tax liens, preventing property seizure, removing penalties and working to place clients into "currently non collectible status" so IRS collections will halt for an extended period of time, and much more.

Tax Tiger began as a faith-based business, founded by Kathy Hill in 2002, with a mission of helping individuals and businesses obtain relief and resolution from their IRS pressures and problems.

"Our franchisees are people who are CPAs or enrolled agents and who know how to run a business. Honesty and integrity are the key factors we look for in selecting new franchisees. I want their focus to be on resolving the clients' problems and seeing what they can do to make a difference in people's lives financially. We're not interested in working with greedy people," she said. "Our franchisees are people who believe that financial success and impeccable ethics go hand-in-hand."

For information about Tax Tiger Denver, go to or call 303-325-3986. Ask for Martina, Jessica or Patty, or Email.

For information about owning a Tax Tiger franchise, go to

SOURCE Tax Tiger

About Tax Tiger

Tax Tiger began as a faith based business, founded by Kathy Hill in 2002, with a mission of helping individuals and businesses obtain relief and resolution from their IRS pressures and problems.

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