Community Involvement at the Heart of Ziggi's Coffee

Ziggi’s Coffee is a nationwide franchise company that specializes in serving unique, handcrafted beverages and delicious breakfast, lunch and snack options. For over 17 years, community involvement has been the backbone of this company and a pillar that continues to guide many company-wide initiatives. 

At a corporate level, Ziggi’s hosts various give back days across all locations throughout the year, including their annual Veterans Day discount and a Back-to-School Day discount. During the Back-to-School Day discount, the company gives away free 16oz drinks to all educators and school district employees to celebrate the incredible work they do for their communities, as well as kick off the school year. The Veterans Day discount is a way for Ziggi’s to give back to Veterans and active-duty military personnel with a free 16oz drink to show their appreciation for everything they have done for their communities. 

In addition to these discount days, this year was the first year that Ziggi’s hosted a company-wide fundraising day. This fundraiser benefited a Colorado-based nonprofit, Revital, that supports the overall mental health and well-being of first responders. This fundraiser consisted of every Ziggi’s location donating $1 from every drink sold back to this organization. Donations through this initiative, including additional donations from the community and a generous match, totaled $44,748. 

At a franchise level, each Ziggi’s is locally owned, and every franchise owner has the value of community instilled in them from the very beginning. This pillar is often what solidifies franchisees decision to join the Ziggi’s Franchise Family. Local community involvement is just as important to the Ziggi’s brand as the company-wide initiatives. When franchise owners are involved in their local community, they represent Ziggi’s as a whole and demonstrate the people-first mindset this company was founded on. 

“Community involvement is extremely important to us as it builds our connections within our community and allows us to have genuine and sincere relationships with our customers. We pride ourselves on being a staple in the Arizona State University community and ensure that our Ziggi’s is a personable and welcoming space for them to start or end their days. Without this level of involvement, our location wouldn’t be as successful as it is.”

From sponsoring school events to supporting a local nonprofit or attending food and beverage events, Ziggi's franchise owners find a way to become involved in their communities in various ways. The desire to be involved in every community this company is part of stems from their founding in the small town of Longmont, Colo. The relationships that Ziggi’s built in the early years are paramount to the success of this brand and having a positive impact on their local communities is essential to who Ziggi’s is at their core. It is impressive that this fast-growing company remains committed to their communities even as they grow into a nationwide brand. 

Now is the time to join this rewarding company and be part of their success and the lucrative coffee industry. Are you ready to join the Ziggi’s family? Visit to learn more about the Ziggi’s Franchise opportunity.

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Ziggi's Coffee

There's nothing quite like the perfect cup of coffee. It wakes you up and gets you on the right path. Now, you've got the chance to build a lifestyle and future around that perfect cup. That perfect cup of coffee is now the perfect franchise.

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