How Franchisors Can Thrive In The Digital Transformation

At the risk of simplifying a very big and important trend that’s been in the works for several decades now, let’s talk about digital transformation.

This is not a buzzword. Digital transformation simply means using technology to open up new opportunities for value creation.

On a practical level within franchising, the demand for technology solutions is only growing, both from potential franchise owners to the brands themselves. With many smaller, emerging brands evaluating their options for expansion, they’re also vetting portal sources by the criteria of technology innovation.

Franchisors are looking for more than just a powerful billboard to draw attention and build brand awareness for franchises, they’re also looking for an innovation partner.

Take digital advertising. Large brands have historically driven reach and awareness as their key objectives. But modern disruptor brands focus on conversions. They’re focused on measurable results, rather than process. That’s why they tend to dedicate way more budget on channels for which they can measure the success, such as, Facebook, search, social, and email.

What’s your franchise’s version of that? How are you leveraging tech to become more responsive to the ebbs and flows of the marketplace?

If your brand wants to better engage in a digital transformation, here’s what we recommend.

Our team is always inventing new tech to help our clients thrive and make our industry better. This year Metric Collective and its subsidiary tech brands FranchiseHelp and FranFunnel have been working tirelessly on a few new innovations we believe are going to have a measurable impact on franchise growth.

These are just a few of the ways we are helping franchisors thrive in the digital transformation, and encourage you to consider them. Metric Collective will continue to bring new tools into the space in a way that supports our franchisor’s brand growth, so there will be many more innovations to come.

Remember, for many years, digital was the new thing.

And now it flows through everything.

Make sure your franchise is one of those things, and you’ll thrive.

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