Boomers Trade Retirement for Second Career
CHANDLER, Ariz. - Home remodeling is big business: A recent study indicated that consumers placed a higher value--up to 6 percent--on homes with upgraded entryways, making EntryPoint a perfect business choice for Dale and Sandra DeValk's "un-retirement."
"A friend told us about EntryPoint," Sandra said. "We thought it was a fantastic way to transform the doors. The process was easy to learn, so we decided to invest in it."
EntryPoint, a division of ODL, offers homeowners dozens of options in glass designs, from traditional designs to Art Deco and contemporary patterns that not only increase their entryway's natural light, but also their house's value. All this at a fraction of the cost of replacing the entire door. The clear or colored glass used is double-insulated, tempered and triple glazed. Homeowners can choose from existing patterns or create their own design. EntryPoint brings a mobile, solar-powered workshop to the home; professionally-trained installers remove the existing door, insert the decorative glass and rehang the door, all within an hour and with no mess. The company also installs matching sidelights and transoms.
Like other Baby Boomers, when the time came to consider retirement, it took long-time Chandler residents Dale and Sandra just seconds to decide against a rocking chair and shuffleboard court in favor of owning their own business. The transition into helping homeowners remodel their entryways has been simple.
"In this case, the product sells itself," Dale said. "I've always enjoyed networking and have always been very customer service-oriented; the EntryPoint family prides itself on its levels of customer service."
Being a family-owned business has its challenges, but the DeValks have enjoyed them. Dale helps customers select the door glass, sidelight or transom that's right for their home and travels there to install it. Sandra's roles include customer service, bookkeeping and marketing.
One of the most satisfying aspects of their business is the work they do for Habitat for Humanity.
"ODL provides the glass, and we donate the installation," Sandra said. "We are the contact for Habitat for Humanity at the local level."
The DeValks are excited about upcoming Habitat for Humanity community projects in Chandler, Glendale and Apache Junction.
"We have committed to provide 36 glass inserts if the homeowners choose them," she said. "The project is expected to start in October."
Adds Dale, "I think Habitat is a great cause. They are very active in the Phoenix area with more than 300 homes."
Shar Moore, construction coordinator for Habitat for Humanity in the Phoenix area, said the glass inserts used in previous projects have been a hit with homeowners.
"So far, all the homeowners who have been given the opportunity to select EntryPoint door glass have and have been pretty thrilled with it."
The DeValks' East Valley Entry Point showroom is located at 2040 S. Alma School Road, Ste. 6, in Chandler and can be reached at 480-722-1331. Showroom hours are Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or by appointment. The DeValks are members of the Chandler Chamber of Commerce.
About EntryPoint
EntryPoint, a division of Michigan-based ODL, Inc., is based in Orlando, Fla. and has a growing network of 17 franchised dealers. They provide customers with decorative doorglass, sidelights, enclosed blinds and other product options manufactured by ODL. The EntryPoint franchised dealer system includes comprehensive training, third-party financing, ongoing field support, marketing guidance, support and collateral materials, as well as national vendor programs. Two corporate stores (Orlando, Fla. and Clermont, Fla.) act as success models for the franchise system. For more information on EntryPoint products and services, please call 1-888-635-3687, or visit