No Glass Ceiling
GRANDVILLE, Mich. - Don Avink is a company man. But like many Baby Boomers, after 24 years of corporate life with ODL--a leading maker of doors, windows and skylights--he decided to own his own business and became a franchised EntryPoint Dealer.
Owning a business was a natural progression. His children were grown, and he found his "hobby" of helping family and friends remodel to be increasingly satisfying. Best of all, EntryPoint Glass, which installs decorative glass in existing doors, is owned by ODL.
EntryPoint offers homeowners dozens of options in glass designs, from traditional to Art Deco and contemporary patterns. Homeowners can even create their own design in clear or colored glass. EntryPoint brings a mobile workshop to the home; professionally-trained installers remove the existing door, insert the decorative glass and rehang the door, all within an hour and with minimal mess. The company also installs matching sidelights and transoms.
"I've done everything with ODL," Avink said. "I have a total of 24 years of outstanding service and dedication. I was with ODL when there were just 90 employees nationwide. I've seen the company grow to 6,500 worldwide."
In 2001, the ODL human resources department approached him with a new opportunity. He leapt at the chance to try the EntryPoint concept. Avink said the most satisfying part of the business is the reaction of customers, whether it's a residential job or one of the many Habitat for Humanity homes for which he has donated his labor.
Business is good: Home remodeling accounted for $230 billion in business in 2003 alone, according to the National Association of the Remodeling Industry. It is estimated that more than a million homes a year undergo a major renovation or remodeling. A recent study conducted by the NFO WorldGroup indicated that consumers placed a higher value--up to 6 percent--on homes with upgraded entryways, making EntryPoint a perfect choice for Avink's new career.
"It still goes back to when you finish up on a house and the homeowner stands back, and that big sigh of 'Oooh, isn't THAT beautiful' comes out," he said. "That's the most rewarding part of the whole thing."
Avink's EntryPoint showroom is located at 4693 Wilson Avenue, Suite H in Grandville. He can be reached at 616-249-9315.
About EntryPoint
EntryPoint, a division of Michigan-based ODL, Inc., is based in Orlando, Fla. and has a growing network of 17 franchised dealers. They provide customers with decorative doorglass, sidelights, enclosed blinds and other product options manufactured by ODL. The EntryPoint franchised dealer system includes comprehensive training, third-party financing, ongoing field support, marketing guidance, support and collateral materials, as well as national vendor programs. Two corporate stores (Orlando, Fla. and Clermont, Fla.) act as success models for the franchise system. For more information on EntryPoint products and services, please call 1-888-635-3687, or visit