Comfort and Convenience at the Touch of a Button. EntryPoint Doorglass franchise Introduces Raise and Lower Motorized Doorglass Blinds

Comfort and Convenience at the Touch of a Button. EntryPoint Doorglass franchise Introduces Raise and Lower Motorized Doorglass Blinds

ORLANDO, FLORIDA – EntryPoint has already revolutionized curb appeal with its decorative doorglass inserts. Now, the company has added a new product that helps homeowners control light and maintain privacy at the touch of a button: Raise and Lower Motorized Doorglass Blinds.

"These blinds never need dusting," says Jennifer Campos, Vice President and General Manager of EntryPoint, LLC. "And that is a big help when it comes to reducing allergy exposure and improving indoor air quality."

Raise and Lower Motorized Doorglass Blinds—manufactured by EntryPoint's parent company, ODL—are standard blinds that are inserted between two panels of tempered safety glass. Not only do they eliminate the need for dusting, homeowners do not have to listen to swinging blinds or endure the frustration of broken and/or missing slats and children and pets are safe from dangling cords. Plus, they won't interfere with curtains or other decorative door/window hangings.

Best of all, these blinds meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for accessible forward reach and operating force. They are perfect for anyone who has a limited range of mobility and strength.

Operation is easy, thanks to two touch pads built into the doorglass frame. A simple touch of the lower button tilts the blinds down; a touch of the top button will tilt them tilt upwards. Holding either button for more than two seconds allows the blinds to be raised or lowered. Want the blind half-raised? Simply depress either button for more than two seconds, then just touch any button until the desired level is reached.

The Raise and Lower Motorized Doorglass Blinds come with a 20-year warranty, are offered in standard doorglass dimensions of 22"x36" and 22"x 64" and operate on four standard C-batteries (which are included).

About EntryPoint
EntryPoint, a division of Michigan-based ODL, Inc., is based in Orlando, Fla. and has a growing network of nearly 20 franchised dealers. They provide customers with decorative doorglass,


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