"Business Buyer Advocate" turns post-acquisition blues into sunny sky for business buyers

"Business Buyer Advocate" turns post-acquisition blues into sunny sky for business buyers

One of the best-kept secrets amongst advisors to buy/sell transactions and company acquirers is the astonishing fact that most business acquisitions do not live up to the buyer's expectation. The reasons for buyer disappointment can be traced to one or more of three deficiencies:

1. The acquirer bought the wrong business.

2. The acquirer bought the right business the wrong way.

3. The acquirer did not employ street-smart post-acquisition techniques to handle the transition into management of the business.

60% of acquisitions fail to deliver returns exceeding the cost of capital, according to McKinsey & Company.

Acquisitions of relatively smaller companies have a lower incidence of long-term post-acquisition problems than what occur with larger M&A transactions.

Nearly all business buyers are overwhelmed with work and uncertainty during their transition into ownership of the company they acquire.

Ted J. Leverette, founder and president of "Partner" On-Call Network LLC, a franchised network of business consultants, reveals, "What a buyer bought is generally not what the buyer expected to buy. Revisiting a few elements of the business acquisition transaction can help the new owner know what he has and what he can to do about it. Time is of the essence because the buyer's recourse against the seller is best-pursued as soon as possible after the closing of the buy/sell transaction."

Once the buyer is inside the company with full access to it, the buyer can see and hear the rest of the story.

It was during the 1970s when business consultant Ted Leverette began to take notice of disgruntled business buyers. These buyers hired him for post-acquisition due diligence. Unfortunately, Leverette was hired after the fact, too late for the buyer to avoid problems. This motivated Leverette to invent a new and unique niche in the consulting industry: "Business Buyer Advocate." These advisors and dealmakers use their proprietary program: "The Street-Smart Way to Buy a Business."

A Business Buyer Advocate can turn a business buyer's inevitable post-acquisition uncertainty and blues into sunny sky or in a worst case scenario help the buyer mitigate risk and seek recourse against the seller.

What are the Benefits of Post-Acquisition Planning & Management?

Post-acquisition due diligence, planning and management increases the probability that the acquired business will meet the target growth and profit potential for parties to the transaction.

The Business Buyer Advocates at "Partner" On-Call Network look for risk factors and then deploy 35 Best Practices for post acquisition management.

A free Business Buyer Protection Report and other free how-to information are available at the POCN website: PartnerOnCall.com.

Ted J. Leverette
"Partner" On-Call Network LLC


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