Superior Walls Chosen for 2008 Blog Cabin
February 04, 2008 // // NEW HOLLAND, PA. – While "design by committee" has been rumored to be a flawed system, nothing could be further from the truth at the DIY Network. In 2007 more than 4.2 million on-line voters helped design the Blog Cabin for the network, launching one of the most popular programming endeavors in the network's history.
In 2008, as Blog Cabin begins a second season, the number of on-line participants and show viewers is expected to increase dramatically as a new cabin is constructed in Tennessee. As part of the design, Superior Walls® has been asked to provide an energy-efficient foundation system for the Blog Cabin.
"This show gives us the opportunity to showcase the value of using an Xi™ wall panel system to help reduce energy bills for homeowners," says Aaron Schoeneberger, director of market development for Superior Walls. "The very first episode of the Blog Cabin that airs in August of 2008 will show the fast installation of the precast concrete foundation system and the value they add to a home.
"Xi wall panels are constructed with a concrete face shell, backed by 2-1/2-inches of DOW® extruded polystyrene insulation. In addition, the steel reinforced concrete walls create a permanent barrier against sidewall water penetration, making the cabin damp proof."
The 2008 Blog Cabin show begins with the public voting on-line from January through April on the style of the cabin and many of the cabin's feature products. Construction of the lakeside cabin begins in April and is filmed for a 13-part TV show on DIY Network. Following the airing of the final episode, the network selects a winner at random to win the Blog Cabin Sweepstakes.
"As with any home, it's critical that the 2008 Blog Cabin start with a solid foundation," says Schoeneberger. "We're excited that the show's producers and the cabin's builders came to us to request the Xi wall panels. This is the perfect project to help educate homeowners about the value of Superior Walls foundations systems."
For more details on the 2008 Blog Cabin project, visit For additional details on Superior Walls foundations, call 1-800-452-9255 or visit