Seniors Helping Seniors In-Home Services Establishes Latest Franchise at Waterville, New York

Seniors Helping Seniors In-Home Services Establishes Latest Franchise at Waterville, New York

April 14, 2009 // // Wyomissing Hills, Pa - To help meet the growing demand of older New Yorkers who want to remain in their own homes and stay as self-sufficient as possible, Seniors Helping SeniorsR In-Home Services (SHS) has established a new franchise in central New York State at Waterville, which is about 15 miles south of Utica. The latest franchise will service Oneida and parts of Madison counties, including the cities of Utica, Rome, Oneida and all outlying areas.

The Seniors Helping Seniors organization--which has six regional owners and some 50 franchise partners in New York, Minnesota, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Michigan, Florida, Washington, Colorado, California, Hawaii, Missouri and Texas--is a national caregiver and companionship organization and the only one that matches seniors who need in-home care services with seniors who provide them.

The Waterville franchise, currently the only one serving upstate New York, is owned and operated by Terry Rockwell with support from her husband, Jack Rockwell. Terry has more than 20 years of experience working in customer service and, for the last 20 years, has worked in various departments for a major national insurance carrier. She is vice president of the Waterville Firemen's Auxiliary and has been a volunteer with that organization for nearly 20 years. She also is president of the Waterville High School Sports Boosters and has taught Sunday school for many years.

She said her inspiration for joining the Seniors Helping Seniors family is similar to what most of the franchise partners feel. "It came from experiencing the challenging circumstance of caring for my elderly parents before they passed away. My mother passed away in 1998 after a battle with cancer and my father died after suffering a stroke in 2001."

"More recently I have been watching my father-in-law spend time with one of his oldest friends whose health is failing; this has made it very clear to me that I want to help seniors," she said.

Rockwell said that what makes the Seniors Helping Seniors organization so different from other companion care services is simple.

"Seniors are the heart of our society. They worked; fought and sacrificed for the freedom we enjoy every day. This is also what makes seniors the best segment of the workforce to use as caregivers. They have a great work ethic and truly enjoy contributing to society in a meaningful way. The receivers we serve respond to help in a very positive way and as a result wonderful friendships are formed," she continued.

Rockwell's goal is to become a leader in non-medical home care services in Central New York by doing what she does best-"providing high quality care, companionship and great customer service."

She said, "We want to offer opportunities to those senior citizens that are still very active and would like to contribute to their community and help seniors who are in need. I would really like to keep seniors in their homes as long as possible. It makes me feel good that I can get out there and help the seniors who are in need of companion care and other support. It's like getting a little help from your friends.TM"

Philip Yocom, who manages the national Seniors Helping Seniors franchise organization, said he is pleased to welcome the Rockwells as franchise partners. "They come to our Seniors Helping Seniors community with many years of customer service, business and community experience, plus a deeply personal knowledge about what it means to be a caregiver. Terry will make an excellent addition to our franchise family, people who are dedicated to providing the Seniors Helping Seniors brand of loving, giving, caring and compassionate service and who will fulfill our mission in further expanding our care giving and companionship services in New York and the Northeast."

Philip Yocom, and his wife, Kiran Yocom, co-founded Seniors Helping Seniors In-Home Services (SHS), which began as a non-profit organization serving Reading and Berks County, Pennsylvania. In 2007, the non-profit Seniors Helping Seniors center provided nearly 17,000 hours of service and continues that tradition today.

Philip Yocom said, "What began as a heartfelt mission to fill a need that was not being served by our local community is now being recognized as a prime business opportunity being fueled by the fastest growing demographic in our society."

He said, "We want the existing Seniors Helping Seniors organization and our franchises to be the first place that seniors in need of non-medical services and those seeking extra income, call."

"We support all of our franchises with all of the expertise we have gained in running Seniors Helping Seniors Berks County office. We also provide marketing, sales, management, and technology support."

He added, "We believe we have found a practical, cost-effective way to help seniors remain independent and continue contributing. As we grow nationwide, we remain committed to providing our brand of loving, giving, caring, and compassionate service."


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