$25,000 Reward up for Grabs from Max Muscle Sports Nutrition

$25,000 Reward up for Grabs from Max Muscle Sports Nutrition

Max Muscle Sports Nutrition, our nation's leader in Sports Nutrition according to Entrepreneur Magazine's 'Franchise 500', challenges America to “Eat Right & Exercise” while offering a $25,000 Grand Prize for the 2012 MaxFormation Life Challenge Grand Prize Winner. This is no diet, this is what YOUR body needs.

Orange, California (PRWEB) January 10, 2012 - “Why wait for a New Year’s Resolution to help yourself to feel better?” asked Max Muscle President and co-founder Sean Greene from the company’s Orange, California headquarters. “Now, more than ever before in the history of our country, people have realized that when they control their health, they control everything in their lives. We’ve taken our annual $25,000 MaxFormation Life Challenge contest to an entirely new level this year, giving America all the ammo they need personally to turn their lives around…beginning with their health.”

The ‘ammo’ Greene talks about is the support system that makes the $25,000 MaxFormation Life Challenge an event, more than 20,000 people took part in the last year alone. In the first week of 2012, more than 100 people a day across the country have signed up.

Every Max Muscle Sports Nutrition stores throughout the country is equipped with a Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach (CFNC) who works with you individually to help you reach your specific goals...loosing weight, gaining lean muscle mass, or helping to assist nutritional and health needs individually. All contestants in the contest are supported by thousands of people in Max Muscle’s online community, http://www.myMaxMuscle.com, who motivate, assist, encourage, and support your weight loss journey each day. And, as UFC Heavyweight Shane Carwin will attest, “Max Muscle has the best products, and best tasting products, anywhere.”

“The $25,000 Grand Prize is a Reward…a big carrot that surpasses a simple ‘atta boy’.” said Greene. “More than 50% of our nation is considered overweight. Nearly everybody has the desire to be in better shape. This national contest articulates the experience of walking into any of our 150 stores across the country. You’re greeted by a CFNC who can design a personal nutrition plan specifically for you while supporting that plan with the most scientifically advanced nutritional and supplemental products available anywhere.”

Since 1999, the all-encompassing contest has literally changed the lives of the people who enter. They’re educated about what to eat, when to eat, things to avoid, things to add to your diet, how to exercise, and more.

Don Dona, a High School Teacher from Dallas, Texas won last year’s MaxFormation and surmised his six month journey – where he lost more than 100 pounds – quite simply, “Max Muscle changed my life. Max Muscle literally saved my life.”

The $25,000 MaxFormation Life Challenge contest gives each contestant their own personal website, free of charge, where goals are entered, photographs of ‘befores and afters’ are uploaded, journals are kept, and support is offered in an online private community.

“It’s like Facebook for folks who want to be fit!” said Lyle Evansiano, a 2011 contestant who lost 32 pounds, two pant sizes, and is – according to him – ‘…in better shape at 45 than when I was 25!”

Contestants can interact with each other online, providing motivation and support while striving to meet their goals, add friends to their profile, and ask questions to each other and Max Muscle Certified Fitness Nutrition Experts who interact directly from the online community.

“When we first conceived Max Muscle Sports Nutrition in 1999, we imagined a place where you could walk in off the street, be greeted by an expert who could guide you to your goals, not just sell you product.” said former NFL Player and co-Founder Joe Wells. “Our stores are managed by Certified Fitness Nutrition Experts who back your personalized goals and plan with our scientifically developed and extensively tested proteins, diet and weight loss support, total body supplementation and nutrition. When you walk into a Max Muscle, the experience is catered to your needs specifically. There’s nothing like it, and the nation loves it!”

Max Muscle Sports Nutrition has risen to its current height of more than 150 stores nationwide by leading the industry in nutritional and supplemental advancement in fitness and weight loss education, innovation, product support, and consumer appreciation.

“We’re the ‘Eat Right’ in ‘Eat Right and Exercise’.” said Greene. “You truly are what you eat, and since we’re all unique people with specific needs, you need a place where you can go where the people know you, your goals, and can support those goals with professional advice, supplements and nutritional products that assure your body is being fed precisely what it needs to get to where you want to go.”

“That’s why we’re rewarding somebody $25,000 this year.” said Wells. “We’ve helped tens of thousands of people achieve their fitness and weight loss goals since we started without fads. The MaxFormation Life Challenge gives even more people the opportunity to achieve goals they never thought possible, do it in the comfort of other people going through the same process, constant motivation and education available 24/7, and now an additional carrot of $25,000 to help you keep your eye on success. I bet you didn’t know there was a business like this available to people. That’s Max Muscle.”

Both Wells and Greene routinely log onto MaxFormation themselves at http://www.myMaxMuscle.com and welcome new MaxFormation contestants to the online community offering support and encouragement via Comments on their personal pages.

“We know that if you’re educated, one on one, by a Certified Fitness Nutrition Expert whose focus is only on your needs and desires, and at the same time are supported by a vast knowledge base of articles, recipes, workout plans, and a community of individuals that are all working on their similar yet personal goals, you’ll succeed.” said Greene. “Over the years, the scores of testimonials from people that have not just lost weight, but achieved true life happiness by enjoying their new active and healthy lifestyles is our success. We intend to bring more people to this level of enjoyment through the MaxFormation Life Challenge and its record $25,000 Grand Prize this year.”

Click Now to Enter and Win $25,000

About Max Muscle Sports Nutrition

For twenty years, Max Muscle Sports Nutrition has been the leader in the sports nutrition industry, and is committed to improving the health of people from all walks of life. Team members – Certified Fitness Nutrition Coaches™ - are extremely knowledgeable and take the time with each client to pinpoint their health and fitness goals in order to find the best program, products and supplements for them to achieve those goals. Whether the goal is to lose weight, gain weight or dedicating oneself to a healthier lifestyle- Max Muscle Sports Nutrition is one business that is growing by helping others reduce… online at http://www.MaxMuscle.com.

Franchise opportunities available at http://www.MaxMuscleFranchise.com

The myMaxMuscle online community is at http://www.myMaxMuscle.com.


Rich Carr
Carr Knowledge LLC
(253) 249-8174


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