Bluebird Care helps Launch Silver Sunday in Westminster

Bluebird Care helps Launch Silver Sunday in Westminster

Bluebird Care, one of the largest care at home providers in the UK and Republic of Ireland, were proud to show their support for the Silver Sunday initiative by hosting an event in Westminster this week.

(PRWEB UK) 30 September 2013 - On Monday, many representatives from Bluebird Care including many franchise owners from around the UK and Head Office staff were joined by the Lord Mayor of Westminster, Councillor Sarah Richardson in the Lord Mayor’s Parlour at Westminster City Hall.

Also joining them for the launch were Lady Christabel Flight, who launched Silver Sunday last year and special guests, six Chelsea Pensioners from the Royal Hospital in Chelsea.

Bluebird Care offices have been encouraged to hold free events for people over 65 around the UK on Sunday 6th October 2013 to celebrate older people.

Last year, there were 19 Silver Sunday events around Westminster. This year, with the focus on Silver Sunday being more of a national initiative, Bluebird Care alone are holding 40 events around the UK.

Lady Flight, who is Westminster City Council’s Older People’s Champion said,

"I am thrilled Bluebird Care has chosen to support this initiative by hosting a range of activities throughout the UK, which has raised the profile hugely.Silver Sunday is a celebration of older people and an opportunity to recognize their valuable contributions to our communities. We are urging everybody to get behind Silver Sunday 2013 and give the older generation the chance to share their skills and talents."

Chief Operating Officer for Bluebird Care Group, Simon Dalziel, said,

"Bluebird Care is delighted to be the main supporter of Silver Sunday. As the leading provider of care at home in the UK and Ireland through our 180 offices, we daily provide care to thousands of older people. We understand their needs and know often our care staff may be the only people they see all day. It was also great to be able to welcome the Chelsea Pensioners to the launch".


Ian Chambers
Bluebird Care
+44 1730 260026


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