Max Muscle Sports Nutrition Forever Alters The Business Of Body Transformation
Orange, California (PRWEB) August 08, 2014 - More than twenty years ago, the idea was - and still is - a simple one; rather than simply sell weight loss or body-building supplements, outfit the store with Certified Fitness Nutrition Coaches (CFNC™) that listen, consult, and then equip that person with a Nutrition Plan specifically for them utilizing the very best products available. By adding the InBody in-stores, customers are assured of 98% accuracy of their measurements and progress within that Nutrition Plan. This gives Max Muscle Sports Nutrition stores a three-step approach that includes a Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach using Bioelectrical Impedance Testing and supplementing the Nutrition Plan with proprietary Max Muscle supplements and nutraceuticals.
Max Muscle is so sure of the results from this approach they began an annual nationwide $25,000 MaxForm Life Challenge which is currently underway. This contest is open to anybody looking to alter their personal image. Each year, the person that best reaches their goals and shows the most difference with their Before & After pictures, represents the 'Max Muscle Experience'.
Anybody can walk into any one of the more than 160 franchise-owned locations across the United States and receive a Nutritional Consultation from a Max Muscle CFNC™.
"There are personal nuances to the adage of 'eat right & exercise. The InBody system provides us, and our customers, non-biased measurements for our customers," said Sean Greene, President of Max Muscle Sports Nutrition. "This scientific approach to answer a customer's needs is more important now than it ever was. Over the years we've had winners of every age, body type, race and gender. The one thing they've all had in common is they walked through the door of a Max Muscle store and asked for help in getting to where they wanted their body to be. Now they can feel even more secure in their decision to do so."
"We offer Nutritional Consultations because changing your body is all about changing behavior," added Greene. "Losing weight or gaining weight, the common denominator is muscle. Muscle burns fat. What has to change is what and how a person eats as well as what specific supplementation needs they may have to achieve their goal."
According to Greene, one of the biggest surprises for Max Muscle clients is that they actually eat more...up to six times each day. Add to that supplements blended specifically for Max Muscle by their Chief Science Officer, Dr. Phil Harvey, and a customer is assured of getting exactly what they need to reach their goal. Immediate results start to surface. Weight and body measurements are done right there at the store. Pictures are taken throughout a customer's plan so they can see how far they've come.
"Max Muscle supplements focus on 'Made In The USA' quality and are tested and verified by third party independent labs," said Greene. "When you couple Customized Nutrition Planning, or showing them how to do it, with CFNC expertise in every store, and the InBody system for accurate measurement, Max Muscle customers experience exciting results."
Last year's MaxForm Life Challenge winner, 25-year-old David Calhoun lost more than 100 pounds and credits Max Muscle for saving his life. Literally.
"I've struggled with obesity my entire life. Doctors told me I was going to die if I didn't fix this problem. Max Muscle Sports Nutrition's Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach™ put me on a meal plan and taught me the importance of proper nutrition and the role that it played in healthy and effective weight management. This was the part that had always been missing my entire life and once I had the correct foundation I began to really see results," said 2013 MaxForm Life Challenge $25,000 Champion Calhoun.
Results like Calhoun's are, according to Max Muscle, 'typical' across the country. Because results like David's are not common elsewhere, many popular social sites and advertising networks refuse to run their 'Before & After' images as advertising. However, more than 27,000 individuals from across the states gleefully talk about their results daily - and how they achieved them - on Max Muscle's online community at
About Max Muscle Sports Nutrition
For more than twenty years Max Muscle Sports Nutrition has been the leader in the sports nutrition industry, and is committed to improving the health of people from all walks of life. Team members – Certified Fitness Nutrition Coaches™ - are extremely knowledgeable and take the time with each client to pinpoint their health and fitness goals in order to find the best program, products and supplements for them to achieve those goals. Whether the goal is to lose weight, gain weight or dedicating oneself to a healthier lifestyle- Max Muscle Sports Nutrition is one business that is growing by helping others reduce… online at Franchise opportunities available at The myMaxMuscle online community is at
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Carr Knowledge Interactive Marketing
+1 360-872-0032