Franchise Owner Spotlight: Former Meteorologist Predicts Forecast of Entrepreneurship

Franchise Owner Spotlight: Former Meteorologist Predicts Forecast of Entrepreneurship

November 20, 2018 // // While it’s common for people to change careers over the course of their work life, for Kristy Blasey, BirthdayPak franchise owner of Raleigh-Durham, it’s been more of a career progression building up to what she’s always wanted: Entrepreneurship. She saw her move from broadcast meteorology to the sales department as more of a natural transition. “I sold myself on TV every day, and sales was much better than expected,” she says. And years in sales have positioned Kristy well to shift to franchise ownership with BirthdayPak, which she describes as “doing the right thing, at the right place, at the right time.”

Finding BirthdayPak
Kristy’s career path led her to sales for an entertaining/dining guide, cultivating a love of working with restaurants and the dining culture. She went on to help launch the once fast-growing and popular deal site, LivingSocial, which Kristy credits for her start-up mentality and success in launching other services. With restaurants making up the majority of BirthdayPak business partners and having experience that proves she has what it takes to be a franchise owner, Kristy and BirthdayPak are a perfect match.

Finding BirthdayPak, though, was quite the process. Kristy knew she wanted to be her own boss, and she conducted an exhaustive search through a list of the top 400 franchises and Googling “inexpensive franchises.” Kristy knew what she was looking for when she found a franchise that stood out from the rest: BirthdayPak!

Kristy liked the idea of a company that promotes women-based businesses and focuses on celebrating women. “I found the business model to be very sound and loved the product right away - it spoke to me on many different levels.”

Bringing BirthdayPak to New Territory
A new product in a new territory is typically a harder sell. As Kristy says, “it’s easier to say ‘no’ when you’ve never heard of it.” But this is BirthdayPak and Kristy! Armed with her savvy sales skills, a network of clients from her former positions and comprehensive training and support, Kristy has made headway with opening two zones in just three short months. A third zone is slated to open in January in her 10-zone market.

The product itself also stands out: “People’s eyes light up when they see the BirthdayPak mailer, and they say they are impressed,” Kristy says. “They like the big, personalized birthday card that comes in the mail.”

The Raleigh-Durham area is known as “research triangle park” as it’s home to numerous high-tech companies and three major research universities. The area boasts strong job growth, a high quality of life and steady population growth. This bodes well for its increasingly vibrant and diverse restaurant scene, and BirthdayPak business partners looking to connect with an affluent female audience.

Are You Ready to Forge Your Own Path?
Raleigh-Durham isn’t the only hot spot for BirthdayPak in the country. Take a look at other BirthdayPak available markets, and see if you have the qualities that make up a successful franchise owner. Take the next step to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams and call 1-888-206-0083.

SOURCE BirthdayPak


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