RE/MAX Is Home To More Of "America's Best" Agents For Sixth Year In A Row

RE/MAX Is Home To More Of "America's Best" Agents For Sixth Year In A Row

2020 REAL Trends + Tom Ferry "America's Best Real Estate Professionals" Rankings Announced

June 29, 2020 // // DENVER - For the sixth consecutive year, RE/MAX has more qualifying agents than any other real estate brand in the annual ranking of "America's Best Real Estate Professionals" by REAL Trends + Tom Ferry. Consisting of 14,626 individual producers and team leaders, “America’s Best Real Estate Professionals” is the industry’s largest ranking of agents based on homes sold. With 2,755 qualifying RE/MAX agents, one in five participating agents are members of the global real estate franchisor’s network.

“We believe real estate buyers and sellers deserve the world-class services of outstanding agents who are skilled, driven and focused on achieving outstanding results,” said Adam Contos, CEO of RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. “Dominating the list of ‘America’s Best Real Estate Professionals’ once again with more qualifying agents than any other brand is a testament to that belief and our brand promise to the consumer.”

The REAL Trends + Tom Ferry "America's Best Real Estate Professionals" survey ranks participating agents and teams in the United States based on 2019 residential transaction sides and sales volume. The survey is divided into 12 categories. Six categories for the type of producer are: individual producers, individuals who own their brokerage, teams who own their brokerage, and teams of three sizes: 2-5 agents, 6-10 and 11 or more. The same six categories are used to classify both transaction sides and sales volume.

The rankings were open to individual agents who closed at least 50 transaction sides, or $20 million in sales volume last year and teams who closed at least 75 transaction sides, or $30 million in sales volume.

Notable recognitions of RE/MAX agents and teams in the 2020 REAL Trends + Tom Ferry "America's Best Real Estate Professionals" include:

  • Of the rankings for transaction sides, 26% of all individual agents and teams (2,460 of 9,616) featured in the 2020 edition of the annual survey were members of the RE/MAX network.
  • 1,507 individual RE/MAX agents qualified for the rankings.
  • RE/MAX agents who earned spots based on transaction sides averaged 71 sides last year.
  • RE/MAX agents who made the list based on sales volume averaged $30.8 million in 2019.
  • 1,148 RE/MAX teams qualified for the rankings.
  • RE/MAX small teams averaged three members with 113 transaction sides and $48.4 million in volume; medium teams averaged seven members, with 162 sides and $55.4 million; and large teams averaged 19 members with 349 sides and $111.9 million.
  • RE/MAX dominated four categories that ranked agents and team leaders who own their brokerage. In the Agent-Owned Brokerage categories, RE/MAX agents made up 80% of the 313 qualifiers for transaction sides and 52% of the 182 rankings for sales volume. In the Team-Owned Brokerage categories, RE/MAX team leaders comprised 50% of the 495 qualifying for transaction sides and 39% of the 379 ranked for sales volume.
  • 28% of the agents and teams in “America’s Best” are ranked for both sides and volume, including 837 RE/MAX agents and teams.

In its eighth year, "America's Best Real Estate Professionals" is an offshoot of the REAL Trends "The Thousand" as advertised in The Wall Street Journal. The Thousand ranks the most productive 1,000 agents in the U.S.

Among the rankings for individual agents and agent teams closing the most residential transaction sides in “The Thousand,” 111 are by RE/MAX agents – more than any other brand. Agents who qualified for “The Thousand” also are included in “America’s Best.”

About the RE/MAX Network

As one of the leading global real estate franchisors, RE/MAX, LLC is a subsidiary of RE/MAX Holdings (NYSE: RMAX) with over 130,000 agents in more than 110 countries and territories. Nobody in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX, as measured by residential transaction sides. Dedicated to innovation and change in the real estate industry, RE/MAX launched Motto Mortgage, a ground-breaking mortgage franchisor, in 2016 and acquired booj, a real estate technology company, in 2018. RE/MAX agents have lived, worked and served in their local communities for decades, raising millions of dollars every year for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals® and other charities.



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