Christian Brothers Automotive Drives up 2021 Development Efforts Following Milestone Success in 2020

Christian Brothers Automotive Drives up 2021 Development Efforts Following Milestone Success in 2020

Renowned Automotive Repair Brand Cruises Into New Year with Proven Operations in the Driver’s Seat

January 15, 2021 // // HOUSTON - In 2020, Christian Brothers Automotive, like most, was taken for a test drive. As the brand reflects back on the past 12 months and outlines projections for the year ahead, it’s abundantly clear that the investment into new technology prior to the pandemic, along with the brand’s efficient operations model, positioned the franchise system to be agile and set record-breaking sales growth during a turbulent year full of uncertainty.

With the tried and tested operating principles in the driver’s seat leading the way, the brand’s 2020 performance metrics indicate the brand’s strength and yield for strong growth potential in the year ahead:

  • 10.5% systemwide sales growth
  • 19 new store openings
  • 20 new construction projects completed
  • 0 locations closed

“Our faith-based approach to automotive repair has buoyed business for many of our franchisees and we pride ourselves on always supporting our franchise family through every challenge and the pandemic has been no exception,” said Donnie Carr, President of Christian Brothers. “Without our incredible franchisees and their teams our growth and success this year and every year wouldn’t have been possible. We look forward to keeping up the momentum and exceeding our goals for 2021.”

Long distinguished as the most trustworthy auto repair company, Christian Brothers Automotive’s 2021 expansion plan aims to increase by more than 23 additional locations and 35 new and multi-unit franchise licenses combined by the end of 2021. With over 230 locations in more than 30 states currently, Christian Brothers’ development efforts will be focused on new sites in West Philadelphia; Santa Fe, N.M.; Richmond, Va.; Lake Jackson, Texas; Winston-Salem, N.C.; as well as several Florida sites in Melbourne, Orlando, Bradenton and Sarasota.

“Our success in 2020 laid the groundwork to build out our presence in existing markets in 2021, and that’s really where our developments efforts are going to be focused over the next 12 months,” added Carr. “We’re excited for what the future holds for Christian Brothers.”

Based on a business model that taking your car to be serviced shouldn’t be a chore, Christian Brother Automotive offers a wide array of services, from simple upkeep and maintenance to preventative services addressing issues that would otherwise require more expensive repair and replacement down the road.

SOURCE Christian Brothers Automotive Corporation


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