Hi-YAH! Building Video Games and Learning? Code Ninjas to Debut in Wilmington to Teach Kids Coding in a Cool Way
Code Ninjas Center Opens Aug. 23 and Focuses on Building Video Games, Robotics, and other STEM Activities
WILMINGTON, N.C., Aug. 17, 2021 // PRNewswire // - Say the words "video game" and your kids are bound to stop and listen. Zoë Mathews, local owner of a new Code Ninjas, a learning center that debuts on Aug. 23 at 1982 Eastwood Road, knows that learning to build video games isn't only fun, but educational. Code Ninjas will serve the local area by teaching children computer coding and strengthening their logic, math, problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Back to School Grand Opening activities will take place the weekend of Sept. 17 and 18. Code Ninjas, located in the Lumina Commons shopping center, will host a ribbon cutting ceremony for the business community and local officials on Sept. 17 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and an open house celebration for families in the community on Sept. 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Wilmington children ages 5-14 can look forward to visiting the new Code Ninjas center to learn how to code in a fun, safe, and social learning environment where gaming is celebrated, and STEM is cool. The program enables parents to see results as kids advance through the curriculum. Everything about Code Ninjas is built around fun, which keeps kids coming back.
Code Ninja's offers a robust, game-based curriculum made up of nine belts, just like martial arts. The curriculum is self-paced, but not self-taught; kids get immediate help and encouragement from Code Senseis and fellow students as they advance from white to black belt. Regardless of whether your kids one day pursue a career in coding, Code Ninjas teaches them confidence, logic, resourcefulness, and problem-solving skills that will serve them for the rest of their lives. And most importantly, it's fun!
SOURCE Code Ninjas