Houston TX Hot Chicken Has its Flavors Down to an Art
September 19, 2024 // Franchising.com // LAS VEGAS —Houston TX Hot Chicken is known for its spicy chicken — and spicy walls. Across its stores, the hot chicken hotspot’s decor has homed in on a sleek, edgy, pop art vibe.
Its signature style came to life when HHC founder Edmond Barseghian commissioned Donovan Fitzgerald, a Las Vegas artist, to create HHC’s murals and paintings.
“I first met Edmond when he hired me for a personal project a few years back. We got along well from the start since we’re both funny and eccentric in different ways,” said Fitzgerald, who studied Italian baroque painting in his schooling. “Most of my work is more traditional, classical oil paintings, so it’s been fun and rewarding to have a departure from my norm and create HHC’s vibe alongside Edmond’s vision.”
And so it began: Restaurant artwork that is chic and elevated — with a touch of playful humor. There’s a golden rooster. There’s the woman in an evening gown with a helmet on fire. There’s a race car driver with a rooster on its head. And there’s the oversized mural of a woman with sunglasses all aflame.
The nod to exotic cars stems from Barseghian’s career as an automotive influencer and race car driver. Hot chicken and hot wheels felt like the perfect partnership — and every HHC grand opening includes an exotic car meet and greet.
“I’ve always been into cars, and it’s been incredibly fun to pay homage to the fast and furious world of race car driving. It’s been especially fitting for HHC, which is a brand moving and growing at a 200 mph,” said Barseghian, who has been racing cars for over five years now. “Success comes from passion, authenticity, and quality. No matter how big HHC gets, that’s a road we will never detour from.”
SOURCE Houston TX Hot Chicken