Demystifying Franchisee Local Website Performance
When it comes to the performance of individual Franchisee websites, most currently available SEO tools have trouble delivering meaningful analytics at the local level. This provides a key challenge for Franchise marketers, who need SEO audits to collect important performance data to make informed business decisions. Location analytics, a smarter type of auditing, can demonstrate how a local website performs in its community, industry, or even compared to other franchisees.
It's common for individual locations' web pages to live under one corporate website. The URLs for local webpages vary but tend to look something like this:
Most traditional SEO tools see this as a subpage of a larger website; however, Franchisors and Franchisees see these as local websites. And while the corporate site is usually the starting point to find these individual location webpages, it's also important for them to perform on their own and show up in local 'near me' searches online.
TruPresence's new solution aims to help multi-location businesses and the marketers responsible for their website performance. TruPresence assesses the performance of individual location webpages at scale and identifies their local digital presence. As a result, Franchise marketers are empowered to employ best practices and strategies to ensure each location succeeds.
This store is not like that store
TruPresence's SEO tool has created an algorithm that produces SEO performance scoring at the location level, called location analytics. What would take a tremendous amount of manual work can now be done within a single dashboard. This allows Franchise marketers to understand where location performance may need improvement. Additionally, TruPresences's algorithm pinpoints any performance issues and offers actionable suggestions on boosting the page's score and search engine result page ranking.
Learn how to tell your Franchisee locations apart here.
What Franchises Need to Know...
Location analytics matters because it can help increase revenue through local SEO. Franchises face the challenge of establishing a national and local presence, having to rank high in general search and 'near me' queries. Local SEO drives traffic and conversion organically within the local community – making it a necessary investment.
From a corporate perspective, TruPresence's solution can let them know what's working and what's not, allowing them to build an actionable roadmap to increase local presence across their entire system.
Learn more about how location analytics can improve location page performance and boost your local SEO, increasing traffic, conversions, and revenue here.
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