Family Financial Centers: The Right Franchise for this Economy

Family Financial Centers: The Right Franchise for this Economy

In your search for a business, you no doubt are concerned about what type of business to open in

these economic times. Let me give you a few reasons why Family Financial Centers is a great

choice during the difficult financial atmosphere we find ourselves in today.

Our customer is the individual that lives paycheck to paycheck. A person in this financial situation

must use an alternative to a traditional bank to meet their financial needs. And as you may have

noticed, millions of people have been added to this segment of the population due to this economy.

These individuals have been forced to take lower paying jobs and have little or no cash reserves.

This necessitates that they have a way to make each paycheck liquid when they get it, which they

cannot do at a traditional bank.

It is also important to note that this trend isn't changing any time soon. In fact, the economy and

the shrinking middle class has been affected in away that will change the way middle income

families will handle their financial affairs for decades. And that is where Family Financial Centers

comes in. We tell all our customers to "Let our family help your family with all of your financial

needs". We provide a professional bank atmosphere coupled with the products most needed by

individuals in this demographic. We offer a vital service to customers who need us every week to

take care of their fundamental financial needs.

I invite you to investigate and see for yourself why opening a Family Financial Center is the best

business model available today.

About Family Financial Centers
Family Financial Centers is the "Quantum Leap" forward in the evolution of the alternative financial service center. Located in attractive suburban centers, Family Financial Centers have the systems, ambience and professionalism of a traditional bank. FFC offers a full array of financial services including check cashing, money orders, wire transfer, tax preparation services and short-term consumer loans.

Family Financial Centers is committed to raising the standard for alternative financial service providers both for product offerings and the way they are delivered to the market. Our centers are conveniently located to our customer's home or work. We are fully automated with systems that keep the average transaction time to just a few minutes. This allows our customer to have all of their financial needs taken care of conveniently and efficiently, in an environment that is upbeat, professional and friendly. Family Financial Centers is rapidly expanding through acquisition and conversion of existing financial centers to the Family brand.


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