Romeo’s Pizza Expands in the Sunshine State with New Franchise Area Agreement

Romeo’s Pizza Expands in the Sunshine State with New Franchise Area Agreement

Delivery and Takeout Pizza Franchise Starts 2021 Strong with Sights Set on Tampa, Florida

January 11, 2021 // // MEDINA, Ohio - Romeo’s Pizza, the award-winning franchise that offers pizza with a purpose, announces plans to open upwards of 10 new locations in Tampa, Florida within the next two years. The first few locations included in the franchise area agreement are set to open later this spring, the first of which will be the second Romeo’s Pizza in Florida. 

The development effort is led by Patrick Howlett, CEO and President of Howlett Restaurant Group. Patrick and Howlett Restaurant Group have played a part in growing the franchise in Ohio. They have plans to open 30 Romeo’s Pizza locations, with three currently open in the eastern part of Ohio. Patrick has decades of business development and managerial experience working in the restaurant industry. After working with Romeo’s Pizza in 2020 to bring new locations to Ohio, Patrick looked for opportunities to branch out to new markets with the international pizza franchise.

By establishing a strong base in Tampa further south along the peninsula from the existing Romeo’s Pizza location in Destin, Patrick and Howlett Restaurant Group will help encourage the expansion of the franchise to additional markets in Florida.  

“The ongoing and constructive support from the Romeo’s Pizza team, combined with our signature sweet sauce, sets us up for success in Florida,” says Patrick Howlett. “Our standing partnership with Romeo’s Pizza has been a valuable resource from the very beginning and we can’t wait to help bring our handcrafted excellence to more Floridians than ever before.” 

Ryan Rose, CEO of Romeo’s Pizza, has worked to build a connected, collaborative network of relationships between the company and its franchise partners since 2015. Romeo’s commitment to their franchisee-first focus has helped facilitate their rapid international growth and record sales in recent years. 

“In comparison to other major markets in Florida, Tampa is unique in that it is less reliant on business from the tourist and travel industry,” says Romeo’s Pizza CEO Ryan Rose. “With that in mind, we’re confident that the residents of Tampa will respond positively to the new Romeo’s Pizza locations in the works. An engaged and consistent customer base will prove to be an invaluable resource for our longer-term success in Florida,” Rose continued. “With his work in Ohio, Patrick has taken the Core Values of Romeo’s Pizza to heart, and we couldn’t be prouder to grow our partnership further with this development effort.”  

The franchise area agreement is the next stage of Romeo’s Pizza’s strategy to grow the company in Florida and other southern states. All ten of the Romeo’s locations included in the area agreement are expected to open and begin operation within the next two years, with additional markets in Florida being considered for future expansion. 

SOURCE Romeo’s Pizza


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