Communication and Transparency from True REST Franchising

Communication and Transparency from True REST Franchising

Communication and Transparency from True REST Franchising

Did you know the Egg McMuffin was invented after the suggestion came from a McDonald’s franchisee? And that only 3 percent of all franchise brands share the actual revenue numbers of their franchisees with potential prospects?

Here at True REST Franchising, we don’t hide from our franchisees, or hide our performance numbers. We jump at the opportunity to listen to and work with our franchisees because we want to continue sharing their impressive financial gains!

As the True REST brand continues to grow, with over 30 locations open and a total of 65 awarded territories, there are more voices and ideas than ever before contributing to our success as a leader in the flotation therapy industry.

We work collectively with our franchise partners to continually seek ways to grow revenue—and keep expenses low—proudly offering a platform where all opinions and ideas are heard and shared. Through the use of tools, such as the discussion portal Speak UP, True REST franchisees are able to openly communicate on various issues and vote topics of discussion up or down based on urgency and relevancy. The forum also allows our brand to learn what franchisees find important and quickly find and share solutions. Like the Egg McMuffin, the next best idea might come from within a franchised location!

In the Franchise Disclosure Document, Item 19, True REST has continually shared the actual gross revenue for all locations that have been in business for at least 12 months. Item 19 also includes actual expenses and net profit after expenses. If you would like to see this information, please contact us at [email protected]. We will continue to update this data annually and keep the information public.

At True REST, we believe seeing clearly is a great way for prospective franchisees to understand the cash flow and operations of our business. Realistic expectations are important when you start your business and knowing how other franchisees succeed with the same tools and support is an encouraging start!

Two-way transparency between our brand and franchisees is how True REST Franchising plans to continue to evolve as a brand and expand nationwide as a solid investment and premier spa experience for clients seeking deep relaxation, pain relief, and stress reduction. We believe constant contact and communication with our franchisees has been key to their success with our float spa business model. To learn more about your opportunities with True REST, visit us at



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Published: December 3rd, 2018

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