Pigtails & Crewcuts Offers Its Franchisees Unrivaled Support

Pigtails & Crewcuts Offers Its Franchisees Unrivaled Support

Pigtails & Crewcuts Offers Its Franchisees Unrivaled Support

Successful franchise brands distinguish themselves by not only offering a solid proven system but by providing thorough ongoing support to make sure its franchisees continue operating successfully. No other children’s hair salon does this better than Pigtails & Crewcuts, the franchise created by parents for kids to offer a stress-free haircutting experience for the whole family. 

New franchisees find brand support from the very beginning in everything from site selection and lease negotiations to pre-opening support, extensive marketing and operational support, and many more ongoing resources, including a group of franchise owners who share ideas and information with each other regularly.

“Pigtails & Crewcuts is unique in the children’s hair salon space because we have built an infrastructure for ongoing support that includes our Franchise Support Specialists (FSS), a marketing firm, a media company, and a marketing hub,” says Theresa Underwood, the brand’s VP of Franchise Support. “Our FSS work with franchisees to assist them in managing and operating their business. They are there for questions, for brainstorming, and to drive brand information.”

The brand’s FSS help ensure their assigned group of franchisees has all the tools and resources needed to be successful (operations, marketing, and training tools). They act as the main point of contact so franchisees have a “hotline” to the franchise. Franchisees can call to discuss staffing concerns, sales volume, daily operations, or anything else on their minds. 

The FSS are out in the field conducting quality assurance visits and providing brand support to every franchise location. The strategy gives franchisees the opportunity to visit with their dedicated support person face-to-face.

During the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, Pigtails & Crewcuts has made a special effort to stand alongside its franchisees, reaching out to offer unique critical support, openly sharing up-to-the-minute information, and making sure lines of communication are clear and open. 

“We are sharing information from the IFA and other sources. We want to help our franchisees make better decisions and remain focused on next month, next year, and beyond,” says Underwood. 

Franchisees like Kendra Keating, who operates locations in Del Sur, San Diego, and San Marcos, California, says, “The support from the franchise is fantastic. When you own your own business, you don’t necessarily have a mentor or anybody to bounce ideas off of. For me, that’s the best support I get from the franchise, but it’s everything from helping me with my email to decision making based on ads, internal promotions… all types of stuff. It’s just a super supportive franchise!”

“Our franchisees can expect a partner when being part of Pigtails & Crewcuts,” says Underwood. “We genuinely want our franchisees to be successful. It is a reflection of us.”

If you’re looking for a brand that offers this kind of comprehensive training and support, as well as simple operations, Pigtails & Crewcuts should be at the top of your list. The brand is actively looking for qualified candidates today. To learn more about franchise opportunities and available territories throughout the United States, visit www.pigtailsandcrewcutsfranchise.com, call 770-752-6800, or contact Hannah Swanson, Franchise Development Coordinator, at [email protected].


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Published: May 27th, 2020

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