Bark Busters Home Dog Training Franchise News

Bark Busters Home Dog Training Franchise News

Browse the latest corporate news from Bark Busters Home Dog Training.

To kick-start National Pet Week May 3 - 9, 2009, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, announced the first-of-its-kind National Naughty Dog Contest to find the naughtiest dog in America. Bark Busters invites members of the public to...
In observance of Earth Day, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals International and Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, announced the launch of their Partner for Pups Reusable Bag Program.
Bark Busters, the world's largest, most trusted dog training company, received the Franchise 50 Award from Franchise Business Review. The 4th annual Franchisee Satisfaction Awards are presented to the top 50 franchisor companies that achieve the...
As the snow melts and the warm spring air begins to roll in, dog lovers need to prepare for more time outdoors with their furry friends. Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, has compiled a list of tips to help you know what to watch...
As winter's chill gives way to warmer days and spring flowers, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, offers owners some tips for helping their dogs enjoy a happy, healthy spring season.
In honor of National Animal Poison Prevention Week March 16, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, wants to help dog owners take special precautions to protect their canine companions from surprisingly common toxins. Not only is it...
To celebrate the festive affairs of Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, invites dog owners and their canine friends to "capture the moment" by participating in the Lucky in Love photo...
February 14th is a special day to express love for sweethearts with flowers, candy or a romantic dinner. This year remember your furry, four-legged valentine, too! Make the day extraordinary by including your canine companion in the day's festivities.
In support of "Responsible Pet Ownership Month" in February, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, offers guidelines for the estimated 44.8 million dog owners in the U.S. "A dog needs order and leadership from its pack leader, which...
On Christmas Day, the film version of the popular book "Marley & Me" will be released nationwide. Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, cautions dog owners that, while the film promises to faithfully capture the sweet spirit and...
In the spirit of the coming season, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, offers helpful holiday tips for the estimated 44.8 million U.S. dog owners on how to keep their dogs safe and happy during the holidays.
As the temperature drops and the snow piles up, dog lovers need to take special precautions to protect their canine companions from winter's dangers. Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, has compiled winter safety tips based on the...
Bark Busters--the world's largest, most trusted dog training company--has unleashed its new Internet Radio Network on
As stories of Barney the White House Dog biting a reporter surface, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, sheds light on the incident. Bark Busters explains why Barney bit the reporter and how you can prevent your dog from doing the...
From dogs evacuated during hurricanes and abandoned to rescues and shelters, to the thousands of racing greyhounds disposed of every year, rescues and shelters are overflowing with dogs waiting to be rescued. Rescue dogs come from a variety of...
Since dogs are such an important part of many kids' lives, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, invites kids and their furry friends to "capture the moment" by participating in the Kid's 'n' Paws photo competition at...
Keep dogs safe during Halloween—the most dangerous holiday for dogs—with tips from Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company. Based on the expertise of Bark Busters' network of dog behavioral therapists, who have successfully trai
Bark Busters — the world's largest, most trusted dog training company—today announced the launch of the Bark Busters Dog Safety Program™, a unique program designed to help employers keep employees safe and dramatically reduce costs assoc
The number one cause of death for dogs isn't trauma or disease, it's euthanasia due to behavior problems. Five million dogs will be euthanized this year. It's time for everyone to "bone up" on responsible dog ownership.
Bark Busters — the world's largest, most trusted dog training company—today announced the launch of the Bark Busters Dog Safety Program(TM), a unique program designed to help employers keep employees safe and dramatically reduce costs...
As the summer heats up, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, invites dog lovers and their furry friends to "capture the moment" by participating in the Dog Days of Summer photo competition, beginning today at
As kids head back to school, Bark Busters — the world's largest dog training company — offers suggestions to help families avoid behavior problems with their dogs that often accompany this time of transition.
Bark Busters — the world's largest, most trusted dog training company — is pleased to introduce Bark Busters Boutique, the new online store where dog owners can shop from an array of Bark Busters-branded and approved products.
With the excitement and commotion of the annual Independence Day holiday approaching, Bark Busters, the world's largest and most trusted dog training company, offers helpful tips for the estimated 44.8 million U.S. dog owners on how to keep their dogs...
With the 10th Annual "Take Your Dog to Work Day" approaching (Friday, June 20), Bark Busters, the world's largest and most trusted dog training company, offers helpful tips for the estimated 44.8 million U.S. dog owners on how to prepare and manage...
As part of its ongoing commitment to keep pets and people safe, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, will offer free pet safety window decals, dog safety workshops and bite prevention tips.
To help support the troops who have befriended pets they want to bring back home, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, has expanded its relationship with SPCA International to support Operation Baghdad Pups (, a program...
Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, has launched a new program to help U.S. veterans leverage the skills they've learned in the military into a successful business.
As winter's chill gives way to warmer days and spring flowers, Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, offers owners some tips for helping their dogs enjoy a happy, healthy spring season.
SPCA International ( announced the selection of Bark Busters Home Dog Training as an inaugural winner of its Best of the Best award, designating Bark Busters dog behavioural training services the "best of the best" in its category.

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