Q&A with Multi-Unit Franchisee Laura Wining
Name: Laura Wining
Title: Director of Clinical Services
Brands: ComForCare Home Care and Boost Home Healthcare
Units: 2 territories for each franchise
Years in franchising: 6
Why did you choose to franchise with a service brand?
We chose a franchise because of the support and connections to resources that have enabled us to build two successful franchise businesses. I can’t imagine doing either business without the backing of a franchise support system that is a phone call away when questions or concerns arise.
How did you choose the sector and brand you did?
My husband was retiring as a fireman after 25 years and I had been in the healthcare industry for 37 years, and we were interested in owning our own business. We decided a home care business would allow us to continue to make a difference in peoples’ lives, from supporting our employees to helping our clients and their families.
What different skill sets are required for service brand franchising?
Dedication and hard work are important in this industry. It is helpful if you have business knowledge, however we have learned everything we needed to know from our franchise support and our collaboration with other owners. We also attribute our success to our background in healthcare and our drive to help people.
What are the advantages to choosing a service brand?
A service brand assists you in navigating all the set up and managing needs of your business. You never feel like you are alone if you have a question come up, and your company is built for success. You just need to follow the template provided and you are set up for success.
What are some of the top ways in which you have been able to market and promote your business?
We have marketed our business through word of mouth with other businesses, as well as our community partners. We stand firm in doing what we say we are going to do and keeping to our word. We also believe we should be cautious not to over promise and then under deliver, which will hurt the business. We have also partnered with different marketing companies like Senior Bluebook that have help us drive leads towards our office to help grow our business.
What would you recommend to anyone considering a service brand?
I would do lots of research and be sure which franchise you choose. Make sure you know the support you will be provided and that they have a solid roadmap for your business to follow and be successful. Do your best to hire support staff that are dedicated and flexible to help you grow your business.
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