Extreme Mentoring: Don't Hesitate to Give the Gift to Someone Else
What if you could give someone a really special gift that would cost you no money at all? And what if that no-cost gift could significantly change another's life? Well, you could and it will.
You can give yourself as a "gift" to someone you love, believe in, or admire by taking that person on as your Greater Than Yourself (GTY) Project. Think of the Greater Than Yourself approach as Extreme Mentoring, if you will.
I'd highly encourage you extend yourself in this deeply meaningful way. I think you'll notice all kinds of payoff. And to help you make this relationship official (whether or not you already have a GTY Project), we've created this gift certificate for you to use.
Please read the following text from the certificate. If it rings a bell for you, print it out, sign it, and give it to that special person:
With this gift I promise to pass along my Knowledge, Give My Time, Deliver to you my Connections, Life Lessons, Insights, and Counsel
I Promise:
I will Commit to a percentage of my weekly time to meet with you and counsel you.
I will make a difference in your life by promoting your Welfare, Fortune, Success, and Capacity for Achievement.
I will invest in our relationship, share my "personal inventory," and ask you to do the same. I will discover your hopes and dreams, and demand of myself to commit to the achievement of your hopes and dreams at least as much as my own.
This certificate delivers Knowledge, Connections, Experience, Insights, Advice and Counsel, Life Lessons, Confidence, Words and Gestures of Encouragement, as well as a healthy dose of Tough and Honest Feedback.
With this Certificate, I dedicate Myself to You and Your Success.
So, go ahead. Give the certificate. Just a heads-up, though...don't be surprised if you end up being the one receiving the greatest gift of all.
Steve Farber, author of Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson of True Leadership, the president of Extreme Leadership, is a leadership consultant and speaker, and the author of the national bestseller The Radical Leap, and The Radical Edge, and the newly released The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do.
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