Franchise Businesses Sell At Higher Price Point
When it comes to resale value, franchises beat non-franchise businesses, according to a new study from Palm Beach Atlantic University’s (PBA) Rinker School of Business.
After examining 2,159 business resales over a ten year period, the researchers found that franchise businesses sold at a 1.5 times higher price than non-franchise businesses. In addition, small businesses in the food/restaurant category sold at a .5 times higher price than other personal and professional small business categories.
“Our research supports the value of a franchise branded business,” said Dr. John P. Hayes, director of PBA’s Titus Center for Franchising. “If two people operate the same type of business over a period of years and enjoy similar sales, the franchise business is more likely to sell at a higher price point. Business owners ought to be aware of that information in advance of launching a business.”
The study titled “Determinants Impacting Resale Premium Disparity when Selling a Small Business: A predictive Non-Linear Approach,” will be published in the Fall 2021 issue of the “Journal of Business and Economic Studies.”
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