Q&A with Service Brands Franchisee Tyler Evans
Name: Tyler Evans
Title: Co-owner
Brands: Venture X and Office Evolution
Units: 7 (Six Venture X, one Office Evolution)
Years in franchising: 13
Why did you choose to franchise with a service brand?
I chose a service brand because serving is my passion. Products come and go, but people stay. I enjoy meeting the needs of our great customers and members. Finding a brand that shared that same passion in caring for their franchisees was the first step of my journey.
How did you choose the sector and brand you did?
After researching and considering brands and industries of all kinds, we specifically chose Venture X because of its affiliation with United Franchise Group (UFG) and because it offered real value to businesses of all sizes in our local communities. We needed a franchisor that understood the daily needs of its franchise owners. UFG certainly ticked that box and proved that franchise owners and their success was its number-one priority. Added to that, Venture X provided space, amenities, and services to businesses just like ours in our local communities. It was a win/win.
What different skill sets are required for service brand franchising?
Flexibility is key. By flexibility I don’t mean that you try to be everything to everyone! Do what you do best, but you must be able to adapt., Markets, needs, budgets, availability, and cultures all change, and if you can’t flex and adapt then you will be obsolete. Also, services are meant for people and there are relationships involved that must be built. That skill is hard to teach and learn, so I would say that you must possess that skill to be truly successful.
What are the advantages to choosing a service brand?
Service brands just make sense. All businesses need services, and those services usually require providers that do them well. It provides an opportunity to set yourself and your business apart from others by the quality of the service you provide and the reputation you build. It is unique in that it cannot be cloned like a product can be. This fact can be your biggest advantage or your biggest weakness.
How does having a service brand complement your other brands (if any)?
We have two different brands that offer a “hub and spoke” model for flexible office space and co-working. Venture X serves as our premium brand with higher level build-out costs and more amenities. This model also has large team suites for 20+ employees. Office Evolution is built for smaller businesses with its largest offices accommodating 5-8 employees. These locations are typically about half the size of the Venture X footprint and serve as a great landing point for smaller businesses and budgets.
Venture X and Office Evolution are sister brands within Vast Coworking Group, a UFG-affiliated company, and complement each other by serving different business sizes and needs while offering hospitality-infused shared workspace and services.
What would you recommend to anyone considering a service brand?
My first recommendation is to get to know the service you are looking to provide intimately. While franchises are very helpful and easier to start/run by their very nature, it does still require knowledge, passion, and skills to be successful. Secondly, behind every service is the customer. Consider what customer base you want to serve and ensure that it fits your skills and passions. The last point is personal for me, and that is to ensure your service has purpose. Does it serve the greater good? Does it add value to the community you will serve? If those things matter, then definitely give them thought before diving in.
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