FRANCHISE Update Magazine Issue II, 2008: Playing Well Together
FRANCHISE Update Magazine: Playing Well Together

Q2 | 2008

Playing Well Together

Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches
Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches
Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches
Over the last year or so, the folks at Franchise Update have started to spot some curious trends around young people entering the franchise community.
Jennifer Kushell
Every year thousands of franchise companies pour money and other precious resources into lead generation and sales with varying degrees of success. But few rise to the top.
Kerry Pipes
In franchising, no one has to be reminded of the importance of making deals and signing fabulous new franchisees. But unless you actually open new units, inking the deal is only part of the story. This important distinction--between units sold and units opened--led us to examine six franchises that grew by more than 100 units between 2005 and 2006 and ask them how they did it.
Debbie Selinsky
For over a quarter of a century, I have been a critic of the United States' franchise sales regulation system.
Rupert Barkoff
Let's hope we're already well into a recession. Historically, that's been a good time for franchise sales. But before you start shopping for that new boat, the pain will continue for many brands. But not all.
Eddy Goldberg
We are no longer doubting whether we are in a downturn. (As an economist, I'll refrain from calling it a recession until the economy's performance meets the technical definition.) Now the issue is how long, and how deep, a downturn we are in. Let's take the conservative approach to economic forecasting and assume that it could be longer and deeper than the past few downturns. What does that mean for unit development?
Darrell Johnson
Golden Corral Buffet and Grill
Last issue we discussed how to benchmark your marketing and lead generation process. This time let's explore key metrics for monitoring your sales process.
Steve Olson
Kahala Corp. moves fast. When we first spoke with Chris Prasifka in late March, he was executive vice president to the CEO. Two weeks later he was president of Kahala Franchise Corp.--and charged with leading the franchisor and its 13 brands from 4,600 units to 10,000 units by the end of 2010 (an average of 170 units every month for 32 months).
Eddy Goldberg
What a great time to be in the franchise development business! We have the advantage of an election year, talk of recession, high interest rates, poor housing starts, and rising unemployment rates.
Marc Kiekenapp
At PuroSystems, the vice president of franchise development has an advantage his peers would envy--if they knew it existed: he can listen in live on a franchise sales call, privately offering advice and feedback to his salesperson as the discussion unfolds.
John Carroll

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